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Our Dear Mr. Bell

Friends of Colorblind

As Colorblind played to audiences across the country in film festivals and special screenings, including two television premieres (Detroit, MI and Orange County, CA), people have passed us their cards and written or sent email addresses so that they could be kept up to date on Colorblind events and showings. Sometimes they wanted to pass along a message to Our Dear Mr. Bell. Sometimes they just wanted to be a part of the whole uplifting experience.

That is the purpose of our Friends of Colorblind mailing list. Once or twice a month we will send out an email update about any events and television broadcasts that are scheduled for Colorblind. (Click here or scroll down to sign up.)

The PBS rollout starts in January of 2008, and this provides a way of keeping you informed about the PBS airings of Colorblind in your area, as air times are scheduled.

Technical Note: To help ensure that you receive our messages, please add to your spam filters "white list" or "approved sender list".

And—as always—I am happy to hear your thoughts and feelings about our special story!

Best regards,
Pamela Peak

Friends of Colorblind List Registration

Please provide the following information to help us keep you informed of Colorblind air times and events. We will not use this information for any other purpose. Including your street address will allow us to mail you an invitation if we have a special Colorbind event in your area.

First name:
Last name:
E-mail address:

How I learned
about Colorblind:

Street address:  (optional)
Suite or Apt. #:  (optional)
State: (2 letters like CA) 
Zip Code:







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